Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Week update

Initiation is only 9 days away from us, and the excitement is in the air.  As our AMs approach Pre Initiation week, they have been growing closer and closer to each other and to our bond.  For those of you who are unfamiliar with our associate member program, Pre-Initiation activities include a number of evenings that reflect on all that the AMs have learned over the course of the last six weeks and prepare them to finally experience our ritual.  Anyone who has any questions regarding our new member program should contact our AMC, Andy Dutcher at acd311@lehigh.edu.  Again, Initiation is scheduled for April 8th, and if any alumni are interested in coming, let me know so I can call you with the details.

Our alumni secretary is in the works of moving some events around, including the phone a thon and meet and greets (the last one was rescheduled at the last minute due to technical difficulties).  He will be in touch with the alumni as he gets more details.  To make sure you're receiving notifications from the colony, send your information to our "E" at evs211@lehigh.edu.

There is an ABT meeting scheduled for Saturday, April 17th.  Details for this will follow soon.  The colony and myself hope to see some familiar alumni faces as well as meet some new ones that day.

Finally, one of our goals is to use this website in the future as a recruitment tool.  We will be working on developing not only sections of the website with information about the current executive board and brothers, but also to announce scheduled recruitment events for the fall and spring.  Hopefully this will allow recruits to see what we're all about, even if they don't get face time with each and every one of us. I will be posting developments on this in the future as they happen.

Azim, "C"

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Some Updates

In an attempt to keep everyone up to date with what's going on colony-side, here's some updates on the exciting stuff coming up in the next couple of weeks:

This Thursday, the colony will be participating in an alumni phone-a-thon, so if you're an alumnus, look out for a call from one of our actives Thursday night!  Actives, if you would like to participate, please contact Eddie for details.

Saturday morning we will be having a brotherhood retreat to go over values, goals, etc for the colony.  Look out for some pictures from that in the near future.

Eddie (our "E") is tentatively planning a second Alumni/Alumni Initiate meet and greet session on Wednesday, March 31.  Contact him at evs211@lehigh.edu for details.

Finally, as our Associate Member program draws to a close, we are extremely proud of the achievements of our newest group.  The Beta Class initiation is scheduled for April 8th, 2010.  Alumni, please feel free to contact me if you would like to attend the ceremony (azs212@lehigh.edu), and I can send you the details.

As usual, we're very excited with the progress of the colony, especially in the short time we've had back at Lehigh.  Parents/Alumni/Friends, if you would like more information on our happenings or on the colony in general, please feel free to send me an email!


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Delta Chi Helps with Fish Fry Fridays

For three weeks now, the brothers of Lehigh Delta Chi have been helping the Church of the Holy Ghost in Bethlehem serve, cook, and clean up their annual Fish Fry Fridays during Lent. All of the brothers have been graciously received by the congregation for their contributions. Community and Service chairman Jesse McDonough has been extremely happy with the turnout and service put forth by the brothers, which has helped them towards their goal of 300 Community and Service hours by the end of the semester. We look forward to helping the Holy Ghost Church in the coming weeks before Easter, and to continue servicing the community as best we can.