Friday, November 20, 2009

2010 Elections

Our Colony of Delta Chi has reached the end of its first year here at Lehigh. Perhaps the word "end" is the wrong choice, as we truly have created a bonded brotherhood that remains one of the strongest on campus. I wholeheartedly believe that we will continue to maintain that reputation in the years to come.

The elections of our second term officers took place last Sunday, the 15th of November, 2009. On behalf on the entire outgoing Executive Board, I would like to congratulate these men who have genuinely shown the characteristics of true Delta Chi's.

2010 Year Executive Board Elects:

"A": Augie Iannotta
"B": Jeremy Thiesen
"C": Azim Sonawalla
"D": Christos Zouzias
"E": Eddie Vincent Smulcheski
"F": David Miller
AMC: Andy Dutcher
(a) Azim Sonawalla
(b) Reid Mulvihill
(a) Daniel Lockman
(b) Stephen Scoza

Though it was a tough contest for all the elected positions, I can personally say our Colony is heading in the right direction. We have the most passionate, exceptional, and unique members helping from all corners of the brotherhood, and this new Executive Board will ensure that truth.

Brothers in the bond of Delta Chi, we all wish you the best,

Michael Esposito - "B"

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Alpha Class Initiation

A huge welcome to our newly initiated members of the Lehigh Colony of Delta Chi!

On Saturday, November 14th in the social hall of the Holy Ghost Church, the four prestigious members of our Alpha Class were initiated. Jesse McDonough, Greg Sills, Brian Maisch, and Brian Lafond are exemplars of the characteristics Delta Chi embodies, and we look forward to upholding our lifelong bond with them. Excellent job gentlemen, we are all very excited to welcome you into our humble brotherhood!

Michael Esposito - "B"

Monday, November 9, 2009

Hibachi Party!

Saturday was our Hibachi Date Party at Sakura Japanese Steakhouse in Whitehall. The brothers and their dates got to experience a nice dinner and a show, all in one!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Brothers Play With Guns

Another set of pictures for the masses- from the Delta Chi paintball trip yesterday, on October 25th.  Click for close-ups.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Flag Football

Here's some pics of our IM flag football team in action!  Click for a larger version.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Alpha AM Class

Welcome friends and newly inducted members of Lehigh's colony of Delta Chi!

I would first and foremost like to thank our alumni for remaining steadfast in their never-ending desire to keep Delta Chi an influence here on campus. Without their efforts over the past years, our strengthening colony would not exist. Our appreciation for their efforts, and for the efforts of all Delta Chi alumni, cannot be expressed in words. We do hope that they will continue to check our newly renovated website for upcoming news and events, and stay ever in the bond.

The brothers of Delta Chi are exceptionally excited to welcome three prestigious men - Jesse McDonough, Greg Sills, and Brian Maisch. The members of the Alpha AM Class were inducted on the evening of Thursday, October 8th, in the social hall of the Holy Ghost Church. We are very pleased to have these associate members, and look forward to the next weeks in which they will learn the philosophies and ideals of a member of Delta Chi.

As always, we have stayed strong over the last year in our belief that "great advantages are to be derived from a brotherhood of college and university men," and will continue to find prospective members of such high-caliber in our everyday lives.


Michael Esposito "B"

Monday, September 28, 2009


 Delta Chis and friends,

I am excited to see this blog up as a key component of our communication between Actives, Alumni, and the community at large. Improvements to the site with permanent information are coming in due course as our webmaster has time to handle them. Please join as followers of the blog so that you will remain updated, this is intended to be a very active site with pertinent information which we want you to have and we hope you look forward to receiving.

As President, I have seen the Colony's founding father class develop by leaps and bounds over the course of the past 6 months. A group of men, some of whom we had never met before, have fast become some of our best friends. We are striving to bring a lasting body of the Delta Chi fraternity back to Lehigh's campus, a body of which we can all be proud to call ourselves a part.

I will keep this post short, though some of you may think it has already surpassed that subjective qualification. Please check back often for updates as we move through this first semester of recruitment, look to initiate a fall Associate Member class, push forward towards chartering, and attempt to strengthen the bond of brotherhood into which we have entered.

Any suggestions or comments are always welcome.

In the Bond,
Tim Malacrida "A"

Brotherhood Retreat

On Saturday September 20th the brothers of Lehigh Delta Chi spent the afternoon discussing brotherhood, progress of the chapter, re-assessing goals, and finally some ideas and pointers for recruitment straight from the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs.  Needless to say it was a day of fun and excitement for all our new Delta Chi's.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Founding Fathers!

Spring 2009 was a semester we've all been waiting for - the recolonization of Delta Chi at Lehigh University!  Our founding fathers have been speaking with several alumni as well as national representatives in order to preserve the traditions and spirit of Delta Chi at Lehigh.

Welcome to Lehigh Delta Chi!

Welcome to the official blog of Lehigh Delta Chi!  This is a new section of our soon-to-be redesigned website that will be a great tool to provide our members, parents, and alumni with important information as well as an insight to fraternity life.  More updates to come soon!