The Lehigh Chapter of Delta Chi was originally a local fraternity named Rho Eta whose members, numbering about 20 mostly upper classmen, resided in Price Hall. The Rho Eta brothers considered several National fraternities to affiliate themselves with but chose Delta Chi.
The formal founding took place on November 30, 1952 at Hotel Bethlehem, where 'AA' Marsh White presented the Charter. The Lehigh Chapter became Delta Chi's 45th Chapter and the 30th national social fraternity at Lehigh. Several Rho Eta brothers, who had been graduated before that date, were subsequently initiated into Delta Chi. The first Delta Chi pledges were Roger Alwang and Ed Scheick. The first pledge class, as a result of the regular rush season (which at that time took place early in the spring semester) had eight members including Adrian DeYoung, Andy Johnson, Hans Althouse, Bill Luckfield, Dan Hornebostel(sp), Ray Walke, Jim Schnell and Russ Mallett. Five of this class eventually became initiated.
In 1999, the original chapter of Lehigh Delta Chi was closed for several merging factors. The alumni body stayed strong as they fought against the odds, and nearly a decade later, the Lehigh Colony of Delta Chi was reestablished in February of 2009. With a starting class of 38 Founding Fathers, the colony grew at an exponential rate, with an Alpha class consisting of Jesse McDonough, Gregory Sills, Brian Maisch, and Brian LaFond, and a Beta class of 10 strong future leaders. The colony and alumni body alike share in the passion to continue the Delta Chi name on Lehigh's campus.