Friday, October 9, 2009

Alpha AM Class

Welcome friends and newly inducted members of Lehigh's colony of Delta Chi!

I would first and foremost like to thank our alumni for remaining steadfast in their never-ending desire to keep Delta Chi an influence here on campus. Without their efforts over the past years, our strengthening colony would not exist. Our appreciation for their efforts, and for the efforts of all Delta Chi alumni, cannot be expressed in words. We do hope that they will continue to check our newly renovated website for upcoming news and events, and stay ever in the bond.

The brothers of Delta Chi are exceptionally excited to welcome three prestigious men - Jesse McDonough, Greg Sills, and Brian Maisch. The members of the Alpha AM Class were inducted on the evening of Thursday, October 8th, in the social hall of the Holy Ghost Church. We are very pleased to have these associate members, and look forward to the next weeks in which they will learn the philosophies and ideals of a member of Delta Chi.

As always, we have stayed strong over the last year in our belief that "great advantages are to be derived from a brotherhood of college and university men," and will continue to find prospective members of such high-caliber in our everyday lives.


Michael Esposito "B"