Time really does fly lately, now that things are in full swing here at Delta Chi. So much so that I realized it's been two months since the last post on this website. I'll be changing that semester, even if it comes down to myself having to post random thoughts on a regular basis (although do expect to see posts from all corners of the Delta Chi community).
With one week down in the semester, we're already a quarter of the way into rush. Our open house last Tuesday got us a hefty list of freshmen to work with, adding to list of upperclassmen that's been building up since our last AM class. We've got three weeks to go and a respectable list of rush events lined up, so things are looking good for Lehigh Delta Chi's first freshman AM class. If you have any questions or would like to know more about rush (or of course if you're an interested student) contact Dan Lockman (djl511@lehigh.edu).
If you ask me, I'd say there's a lot of good things to come in the upcoming weeks and even months. It would be wise to subscribe to this blog to stay up to date on events, news, and everything else Delta Chi. Some of the older brothers have asked me about commenting on these posts- just click on the link bellow that says "0 comments" (or whatever number it has at the time) and it will take you to the comments page of that blog post. From there, feel free to let us know what you think! Just make sure to leave at least your name.
Azim, "C"