Saturday, July 17, 2010


An update from HQ:

Working with the V Foundation for Cancer Research, Delta Chi will now have our very own donation page!  By using the link to this page which features our logo (see below), Delta Chi will be assured that every donation made on this page will be counted towards our Convention goal.  The current goal is $130,000 by August 11 and we are getting close!  You will be able to point everyone to this page for their donation.  There is a field on the page where donors may enter a chapter name so that your chapter or colony will get credit!  Make sure to let them know.

To kick off the page and help us reach our goal heading into the New Orleans Convention in just a few weeks, we want as many people as possible to go on that page and make a donation of any size.  It would be great if everyone could “donate” their social media statuses/messages on that day to announce the page and provide the link. (sample wording is provided below) 

The V Foundation & Delta Chi have teamed up to raise money for cancer research.  100% goes directly to research. Today is the launch of our internet effort, please donate what you can today.

Support Delta Chi to reach our $130,000 donation effort to the V Foundation for cancer research.

One of every two men and one out of three women will get cancer in their lifetimes. Help Delta Chi fight cancer with the V Foundation. 100% of donations go directly to research.

By the time you read this, five people were diagnosed with cancer and two more people will have died from this horrible disease. Please help The V Foundation and Delta Chi find a cure for cancer.

Has cancer touched your life in any way? Help Delta Chi fight cancer with the V Foundation by visiting our donation page and do your part to help stop this disease.

One more month! Help Delta Chi support the V Foundation in the fight against cancer. Please donate what you can today!

Please make sure you are signed up on the Delta Chi Fan Page , or follow Delta Chi on Twitter to get updates and get ready for the launch!

Together we will make a difference!  Please join us and help the cause!

Danny Catalano

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

V Foundation Donations - A Message From HQ

The following is a message from Danny Catalano from IHQ- stay tuned for more info on how to donate to this very worthy cause:


Working with the V Foundation for Cancer Research, Delta Chi will now have our very own donation page!  By using the link to this page which features our logo, Delta Chi will be assured that every donation made on this page will be counted towards our Convention goal.  The current goal is $130,000 by August 11 and we are getting close!  You will be able to point everyone to this page for their donation.  There is a field on the page where donors may enter a chapter name so that your chapter or colony will get credit!  Make sure to let them know.

We need your help on the launch day, July 15, 2010!  To kick off the page and help us reach our goal heading into the New Orleans Convention in just a few weeks, we want as many people as possible to go on that page on July 15 and make a donation of any size.  It would be great if everyone could “donate” their social media statuses/messages on that day to announce the page and provide the link. (Coming soon!)

Please make sure you are signed up on the Delta Chi Fan Page (, or follow Delta Chi on Twitter ( to get updates and get ready for the launch!

Together we will make a difference!  Please join us and help the cause on July 15.

In the Bond,


Monday, July 12, 2010

Delta Dispatch - Volume 1, Issue 2.5

For those of you who haven't read the latest newsletter:

Delta Dispatch - Volume 1, Issue 2.5 (328 kb)

The document is in pdf format: if you don't already have it, you can download Adobe Reader at

Summer Events/ABT Meeting Reminder

Greetings friends,

I hope you've all been having a great summer- I certainly know I have.  While summer classes have already started their second session we've learned that while it's unfortunate that the work never ends, we're thankful that our brotherhood stays strong.  It's heartening to see so many brothers spending so much time together even in the off season of fraternity activities.  If you haven't already decided to make a trip down to Lehigh at some point before the start of the school year I recommend you give us a call and head on down to give us summer dwellers a visit.

In fact, a perfect visitation opportunity would be this coming weekend at the ABT meeting.  As those of you who have read through your summer newsletters should already know, our summer ABT meeting is scheduled for this Saturday, July 17th at 2:00 pm in the Holy Ghost Church, followed immediately by a cocktail hour and reception, where friends and family are encouraged to join.  Alumni, if you have yet to see the new colony in action, now would be a perfect time to swing on by.

If you have any questions on this weekend's activities, please feel free to email myself or our E, Eddie at the email address listed on the right.

See you all on Saturday!
