Greetings friends,
I hope you've all been having a great summer- I certainly know I have. While summer classes have already started their second session we've learned that while it's unfortunate that the work never ends, we're thankful that our brotherhood stays strong. It's heartening to see so many brothers spending so much time together even in the off season of fraternity activities. If you haven't already decided to make a trip down to Lehigh at some point before the start of the school year I recommend you give us a call and head on down to give us summer dwellers a visit.
In fact, a perfect visitation opportunity would be this coming weekend at the ABT meeting. As those of you who have read through your summer newsletters should already know, our summer ABT meeting is scheduled for this Saturday, July 17th at 2:00 pm in the Holy Ghost Church, followed immediately by a cocktail hour and reception, where friends and family are encouraged to join. Alumni, if you have yet to see the new colony in action, now would be a perfect time to swing on by.
If you have any questions on this weekend's activities, please feel free to email myself or our E, Eddie at the email address listed on the right.
See you all on Saturday!