Monday, November 15, 2010
Gamma Class!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Delta Dispatch - Volume 1, Issue 3
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Parents' Day Presentation
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
"Turn around so I can take a picture for the website!"
Philanthropy at the Goose!
Brotherhood Retreat
Congratulations Gamma Class Associate Members!
Pete Biencourt, '13
Andy Douglas, '13
John Formica, '13
Ben Hulac, '13
Matthew O'Brien, '13
Please join me in wishing these brothers well as they move through our associate member program to eventually become full brothers in the bond of Delta Chi!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
2010 Composite
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Welcome Back
Fall recruitment is officially underway! If you or someone you know is interested in Lehigh Delta Chi, please feel free to contact our recruitment chair, Dan Lockman at
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Public Calendar Now Online
If you already use Google calendar or even if you only have a Google account, you can click the "add calendar" button at the bottom right of the widget on the calendar page to add the Lehigh Delta Chi Public Calendar to your own calendar, keeping you informed with updates and allowing us to automatically send you reminders regarding what's going on. Even if you like to keep it old fashioned, you can keep checking back from time to time to see our updates posted on the website under the calendar tab. As always, important events will be sent out via the Delta Dispatch and our "E". Either way, make sure you don't miss out on all the great things we have lined up for this semester!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Brotherhood Spotlight - Jeremy Thiesen
For starters, how did you end up at Lehigh University? It's quite a distance from your home in Colorado.
Thank you Jeremy, we hope you enjoyed being in the spotlight. If you have any comments on this new feature, or would like to suggest a brother to undergo the spotlight treatment, send an email to Brian Lafond - Thanks for reading and keep an eye out for next week's installment.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Convetion and other updates
In other news, we'll be putting up a website section with a public calendar as well as an alumni calendar soon, including dates for rush events, alumni events and meetings, as well as other fraternity happenings. An easy way to stay tuned into website updates is to subscribe to this blog following the links on the left under the heading "Subscribe to Lehigh Delta Chi". There you can follow links to subscribe via Google, Yahoo, or any other RSS reader for that matter.
With summer sessions winding down and vacations drawing to a close, I hope everyone's as excited for another successful year of Delta Chi as I am!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Working with the V Foundation for Cancer Research, Delta Chi will now have our very own donation page! By using the link to this page which features our logo (see below), Delta Chi will be assured that every donation made on this page will be counted towards our Convention goal. The current goal is $130,000 by August 11 and we are getting close! You will be able to point everyone to this page for their donation. There is a field on the page where donors may enter a chapter name so that your chapter or colony will get credit! Make sure to let them know.
To kick off the page and help us reach our goal heading into the New Orleans Convention in just a few weeks, we want as many people as possible to go on that page and make a donation of any size. It would be great if everyone could “donate” their social media statuses/messages on that day to announce the page and provide the link. (sample wording is provided below)
The V Foundation & Delta Chi have teamed up to raise money for cancer research. 100% goes directly to research. Today is the launch of our internet effort, please donate what you can today.
Support Delta Chi to reach our $130,000 donation effort to the V Foundation for cancer research.
One of every two men and one out of three women will get cancer in their lifetimes. Help Delta Chi fight cancer with the V Foundation. 100% of donations go directly to research.
By the time you read this, five people were diagnosed with cancer and two more people will have died from this horrible disease. Please help The V Foundation and Delta Chi find a cure for cancer.
Has cancer touched your life in any way? Help Delta Chi fight cancer with the V Foundation by visiting our donation page and do your part to help stop this disease.
One more month! Help Delta Chi support the V Foundation in the fight against cancer. Please donate what you can today!
Please make sure you are signed up on the Delta Chi Fan Page
Together we will make a difference! Please join us and help the cause!
Danny Catalano
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
V Foundation Donations - A Message From HQ
Working with the V Foundation for Cancer Research, Delta Chi will now have our very own donation page! By using the link to this page which features our logo, Delta Chi will be assured that every donation made on this page will be counted towards our Convention goal. The current goal is $130,000 by August 11 and we are getting close! You will be able to point everyone to this page for their donation. There is a field on the page where donors may enter a chapter name so that your chapter or colony will get credit! Make sure to let them know.
We need your help on the launch day, July 15, 2010! To kick off the page and help us reach our goal heading into the New Orleans Convention in just a few weeks, we want as many people as possible to go on that page on July 15 and make a donation of any size. It would be great if everyone could “donate” their social media statuses/messages on that day to announce the page and provide the link. (Coming soon!)
Please make sure you are signed up on the Delta Chi Fan Page (, or follow Delta Chi on Twitter ( to get updates and get ready for the launch!
Together we will make a difference! Please join us and help the cause on July 15.
In the Bond,
Monday, July 12, 2010
Delta Dispatch - Volume 1, Issue 2.5
For those of you who haven't read the latest newsletter:
Delta Dispatch - Volume 1, Issue 2.5 (328 kb)
The document is in pdf format: if you don't already have it, you can download Adobe Reader at
Summer Events/ABT Meeting Reminder
I hope you've all been having a great summer- I certainly know I have. While summer classes have already started their second session we've learned that while it's unfortunate that the work never ends, we're thankful that our brotherhood stays strong. It's heartening to see so many brothers spending so much time together even in the off season of fraternity activities. If you haven't already decided to make a trip down to Lehigh at some point before the start of the school year I recommend you give us a call and head on down to give us summer dwellers a visit.
In fact, a perfect visitation opportunity would be this coming weekend at the ABT meeting. As those of you who have read through your summer newsletters should already know, our summer ABT meeting is scheduled for this Saturday, July 17th at 2:00 pm in the Holy Ghost Church, followed immediately by a cocktail hour and reception, where friends and family are encouraged to join. Alumni, if you have yet to see the new colony in action, now would be a perfect time to swing on by.
If you have any questions on this weekend's activities, please feel free to email myself or our E, Eddie at the email address listed on the right.
See you all on Saturday!
Monday, May 24, 2010
2010 Graduation
Chris Basilico '10
Tim Malacrida '10
Scott Wojciechowski '09 '10G
We wish you luck in all your future endeavors.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Spring Formal!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Community Service Update
"Over the past semester Delta Chi has been working hard to help the community in many different ways. We have served as waiters at Fish Fry Fridays at the university parish, raised money for a women's shelter by collecting used cell phones, and most recently have been doing clean up projects around campus. On Saturday April 10th a majority of the brothers helped in a cleanup effort of Goodman campus. Clad in orange vests and gloves, brothers spent their Saturday morning helping Lehigh look a little bit nicer. The very next Saturday we had brother participate in the Southside Bethlehem cleanup, on the opposite end of campus. Through our service we hope to build our presence not only on campus, but as an non-residential fraternity, our community relations too."
-Jesse McDonough, Community Service Chair
(click for high quality images)
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Calendar of Events
Delta Dispatch - Volume 1, Issue 2
As part of our ongoing project to expand the functionality of our website (which is a slow, but steady process!), I have created room on the old Delta Chi web server to host our "Delta Dispatch" newsletters. Those of you who haven't received Volume 1, Edition 2 can download it right off our website! Please click on the link below, and enjoy a good read. The document is in pdf format: if you don't already have it, you can download Adobe Reader at
Delta Dispatch - Volume 1, Issue 2 (6.6 mb)
If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with me.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Week update
Our alumni secretary is in the works of moving some events around, including the phone a thon and meet and greets (the last one was rescheduled at the last minute due to technical difficulties). He will be in touch with the alumni as he gets more details. To make sure you're receiving notifications from the colony, send your information to our "E" at
There is an ABT meeting scheduled for Saturday, April 17th. Details for this will follow soon. The colony and myself hope to see some familiar alumni faces as well as meet some new ones that day.
Finally, one of our goals is to use this website in the future as a recruitment tool. We will be working on developing not only sections of the website with information about the current executive board and brothers, but also to announce scheduled recruitment events for the fall and spring. Hopefully this will allow recruits to see what we're all about, even if they don't get face time with each and every one of us. I will be posting developments on this in the future as they happen.
Azim, "C"
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Some Updates
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Delta Chi Helps with Fish Fry Fridays
For three weeks now, the brothers of Lehigh Delta Chi have been helping the Church of the Holy Ghost in Bethlehem serve, cook, and clean up their annual Fish Fry Fridays during Lent. All of the brothers have been graciously received by the congregation for their contributions. Community and Service chairman Jesse McDonough has been extremely happy with the turnout and service put forth by the brothers, which has helped them towards their goal of 300 Community and Service hours by the end of the semester. We look forward to helping the Holy Ghost Church in the coming weeks before Easter, and to continue servicing the community as best we can.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Beta Class Associate Members
Mike Amidon '13
J.C. Bennett '13
Geordie Connell '13
Nate Dumm '13
Alex Loes '13
Ari Loes '13
Geoff Lynch '13
Josh Mizack '13
Travis Statham '11
Eric Williams '13
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
A Note from Jeremy
It has been such a long semester already, but Lehigh Delta Chi is really starting to make some strides. We are very proud of our 10 new Associate Members, and I know that we all see the great potential in them. I am very excited that in a year or two they will be leading the brothers into the future.
In other business, we are making very large strides into understanding the parliamentary procedure and order of our colony meetings. We have come a long way since last semester and the AMs have experienced this first hand in their first colony meeting.
Finally, I would like to say that functionally we are really taking strides in order to smooth over officer transitions. In the near future, I fully expect us to be a well oiled machine.
In The Bond,
Jeremy Thiesen – “B”
Monday, February 1, 2010
Delta Chi Goes to the Shooting Range
ABT Shout Out
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Lehigh Lafayette Tails '09
Monday, January 25, 2010
Welcome Back
With one week down in the semester, we're already a quarter of the way into rush. Our open house last Tuesday got us a hefty list of freshmen to work with, adding to list of upperclassmen that's been building up since our last AM class. We've got three weeks to go and a respectable list of rush events lined up, so things are looking good for Lehigh Delta Chi's first freshman AM class. If you have any questions or would like to know more about rush (or of course if you're an interested student) contact Dan Lockman (
If you ask me, I'd say there's a lot of good things to come in the upcoming weeks and even months. It would be wise to subscribe to this blog to stay up to date on events, news, and everything else Delta Chi. Some of the older brothers have asked me about commenting on these posts- just click on the link bellow that says "0 comments" (or whatever number it has at the time) and it will take you to the comments page of that blog post. From there, feel free to let us know what you think! Just make sure to leave at least your name.
Azim, "C"